How can you help?
You can also be part of this project by being an active supporter!
Bear Again Rehabilitation Center for orphan bears
Other ways you can support the orphan bears
Redirect 2%*
Steps to be taken to redirect 2% towards the bear orphanage:
Complete declaration 230.
Send the form to the Financial Administration you belong to. You can send it by registered mail or send it directly to the registry of the financial administration. If you have an electronic signature, the form can also be submitted online.
*Romanian residents only1
Donate Directly
If you would like to support our project you can make an individual donation by bank transfer or bank card.
Here is our info and do not forget to send us a message if you have donated, to thank you for your support and to keep in touch.
Asociația Pentru Conservarea Valorilor Naturii
CIF: 18785836
IBAN (RON): RO65 RZBR 0000 0600 0804 4500
IBAN (EUR): RO11 RZBR 0000 0600 0804 4502